19 February 2008

50 Books in 10.5 Months: Can I Do It?

Yep, that's the challenge on the LibraryThing groups: Read 50 books between today and 11:59 PM on 31 December. I have the additional goal of having to review all of these books. I think I can pretty easily read the books if I don't waste time doing stuff like creating blogs or playing on the internet, but reviewing is another story. This is especially true because I don't know HOW to review, but I'll just make something up.

I'm adding yet a third goal for this year: Do Not Increase the Total Number of Books Owned.

While it's lovely to have such an extensive library, I don't need more than a thousand books. The cats don't read, and it's not even pretty. I don't have beautiful signed first editions, just really used books. So as I read books on my "To Be Read" (TBR) list, I'll decide whether or not they deserve to stay in my forever library. If not, they will be listed on BookMooch and traded for other books. If nobody wants them, I'll give them away to The Book Thing of Baltimore. (If you don't know about this wonderful place, click that link right now!)

Maybe I can even whittle down the number a bit, but I doubt it.

So, I suppose I should get started reading & reviewing. Ciao for now.

1 comment:

Keith said...

got a message from you on the librarything 50 book challenge and thought i'd check out your page. i too am on a book-buying hiatus. i have slipped once but have held strong, even whilst in "the tattered cover" in denver last weekend! i was proud of myself, in a disappointed kind of way...